Board of Education » Communicate with BOE

Communicate with BOE

The Grandview C-4 Board of Education (BOE) supports open communication between the public and the Board of Education.  Avenues for sharing information and opinions include:
Written Communication

Send written letters to:
Grandview C4 Board of Education
13015 10th St
Grandview, MO  64030
Email the Board of Education at:
Public Participation at Board Meetings

Public Participation at Board meetings is governed by policy BDDH-1 and summarized below:
  • District residents who wish to make comments on a posted agenda item should make their request to do so during the 'Audience Participation' portion of the agenda by providing their name and the applicable agenda item.  When the item is being considered, those who have asked to speak to that agenda item will have up to three minutes and will be called upon in the order in which they were recorded during 'Audience Participation'.  Only items from the posted Action/Discussion agenda may be discussed during open meetings.
  • District residents who wish to have an item included on the agenda for the purpose of addressing the Board must first make a written request to meet with the superintendent, after which the resident may submit a written request to the board secretary to add the item to the board agenda.  
Public Hearings
The Board may schedule public hearings to receive input on matters of concern to the community.  The public will be provided notice of such hearings as required by law.
Public Concerns and Complaints
The Grandview C-4 School district is interested in resolving concerns and hearing complaints regarding district programs and services so that they may be improved and better meet the needs of students and the community. Board policy KL outlines the process for resolution of public concerns and complaints. 
Contact the Board of Education Secretary
The Board Secretary can be reached by phone at (816) 316-5023.